Sem-1 1 SLMLCC-S1-P1 Comparative Public Law 3
Sem-1 2 SLMLCC-S1-P2 Research Methods and Legal Writing 3
Sem-1 3 SLMLCC-S1-P3 Law and Justice in a Globalizing World 3
Sem-1 4 SLMLCC-S1-P4 Cyber Technology and Cyber Crime 3
Sem-1 5 SLMLCC-S1-P5 Introduction to Cyber Laws and other laws 3
Sem-1 6 SLMLCC-S1-P6 Internship 2
Sem-2 1 SLMLCC-S2-P1 Audit, Risk Management and Financial Fraud Investigation 2
Sem-2 2 SLMLCC-S2-P2 Digital Forensics 2
Sem-2 3 SLMLCC-S2-P3 Cyber Space Technology: Constitutional and IPR Issues 2
Sem-2 4 SLMLCC-S2-P4 Elective Course:Mobile and Network Forensics/ Multimedia Forensics 2
Sem-2 5 SLMLCC-S2-P5 Internship 2
Sem-2 6 SLMLCC-S2-P6 Dissertation 5

Candidate has to qualify PG CLAT exam of the admission year and admission is based on merit list of PG CLAT Score of the admission year; and Passed three year LL.B. programme after graduation or five year integrated law programme with 50% marks in aggregate or equivalent.